Legal Counsel On Wetlands, Wastewater Treatment, The Endangered Species Program And Other Environmental Issues
No matter what your environmental or administrative legal issue is, the legal team at WatskyLaw knows that clients are best served when we are brought in early on a project. It is important to know how your business or personal activities are affected by federal, state, and local agency regulations. Regulatory issues, wetland areas and organizations we help clients deal with include:
- Chapter 91
- Piers and docks
- Marinas
- Title 5 Septic Systems
- Chapter 21E
- Hazardous Waste
- Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
- Clean Water Act – Section 404
- Army Corps of Engineers permits
To learn more about the legal services provided by WatskyLaw, click on the practice area page links below.
For you to have the highest likelihood for success in attaining your goals, Mr. Watsky provides the following services:
- Identifies the sets of regulations (possibly from several agencies) that will affect your project
- Advises on the design or plan of your project so it best complies with the identified regulations
- Works with technical experts to guide your project successfully
- If your project is not approved, Mr. Watsky guides you through the administrative and judicial certiorari appeals
- Knows how to navigate procedures and substance of an agency to the advantage of his clients
Matthew Watsky endeavors to resolve your environmental and administrative disputes without resorting to litigation; however, if the need arises, you can be confident that your interests will be vigorously protected in litigation.
Contact WatskyLaw For Your Administrative And Environmental Legal Needs
For experienced counsel and representation with your administrative and environmental law matters, contact WatskyLaw today by calling 781-810-8821 or filling out the online contact form.